Collaborating on rspatialdata

If you want to contribute or collaborate on the rspatialdata project, please refer to the following guidelines. If you have an unanswered question, get in touch with any of us.

If you have an idea of a topic that fits into the rspatialdata project, you can either contact us or submit a pull request on our source repository. Please see guidelines for new tutorial ideas below.

You can also collaborate on the project by submitting your own tutorial as a pull request on our source repository. Please see guidelines for writing your own tutorial below.

Community contributions will help us to maintain rspatialdata as a living project.

1. New tutorial ideas

New tutorial ideas are always welcome! However, before contacting us to suggest new posts, make sure that your idea fits the rspatialdata goal of providing a collection of data sources and tutorials on downloading and visualising spatial data using R. Also, make sure that your idea has not already been covered in any of the published tutorials.

Moreover, when submitting a new idea, it would be helpful if you could also refer to the tools (or packages) that are commonly used to achieve your desired result so that we can implement it (provided it makes sense) quickly.

2. Writing your own tutorial

If you want to write your own tutorial (and have your name on it, of course), you can always submit a pull request on our source repository with the newly created files. To do this, make sure that you do the following.

  1. Use this header when creating your .Rmd file:
title: "Title"
author: "By [author](contributors.html)"
    toc: true
    toc_float: true
    number_sections: false
  1. On top of your tutorial, include a summary table, as below:
|                                       |                   |
| ------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| **Data set description:**             | Brief description |
| **Source:**                           | [Source](link)    |
| **Details on the retrieved data:**    | Details.          |
| **Spatial and temporal resolution:**  | Details.          |
  1. Always include references.

  2. Include the Last updated date and information about your R session in the footer. You can achieve this by using the Sys.Date() and sessionInfo() commands, respectively. See the source code of the administrative boundaries tutorial for reference.

  3. Add yourself as a contributor on the contributors.Rmd file.

Also, let us know if rspatialdata project helped you and how! We will be very happy to hear from you!

Corrections: If you see mistakes or want to suggest additions or modifications, please create an issue on the source repository or submit a pull request
Reuse: Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0.